Legislative Updates
The SCWCC’s Public Policy Committee (PPC) exists to foster the exchange of ideas and information which support a thriving economy. We monitor the legislative agenda, inform members of issues arising and convey member expectations to our elected officials.
HB24-1008 Wage Claims Construction Industry
SCWCC Stance: Oppose
This bill would require general contractors in the construction industry to pay wage claims filed by subcontractor employees.
Status: Passed by the House and Senate. Vetoed by Governor Polis.
VOTING YES: Senator Exum (D); Representatives Snyder (D), Vigil (D)
VOTING NO: Senators Liston (R), Lundeen (R), Gardner (R); Pelton (R) Representatives Pugliese (R), Wilson (R), Bradfield (R), DeGraff (R), Bottoms (R)
Excused (Not Voting): Representative English (D); Bockenfeld (R)
HB24-1014 Deceptive Practice
SCWCC Stance: Oppose
This bill eliminates the need for plaintiffs to separately prove significant impact to consumers, in a consumer protection lawsuit. This will increase abusive lawsuits against businesses.
Status: Passed the House, defeated in the Senate
VOTING YES: Representatives Vigil (D), English (D)
VOTING NO: Representatives Snyder (D), Pugliese (R), Wilson (R), Bradfield (R), DeGraff (R), Bottoms (R)
SB24-159 Mod to Energy & Carbon Management Process
SCWCC Stance: Oppose
This bill would have banned new oil and gas drilling permits starting in 2030. It would reduce oil and gas drilling in 2028 and 2029.
Status: Defeated in Senate Committee
VOTING NO: Senator Lundeen (R)
HB24-1230 Protections for Real Property Owners
SCWCC Stance: Oppose
This bill makes it easier to file construction defects lawsuits and increases damages by awarding pre-judgement interest. This bill would increase construction defects litigation.
Status: Passed the House, passed the Senate committee, died on the calendar.
VOTING YES: Senator Exum (D), Representative Vigil (D)
VOTING NO: Senator Pelton (R), Representatives Snyder (D), Pugliese (R), Wilson (R), Bradfield (R), DeGraff (R), Bottoms (R)
EXCUSED: Representatives Bockenfeld (R), English (D)
HB24-1330 Air Quality Permitting
SCWCC Stance: Oppose
This bill adds numerous costly regulatory requirements to the permitting process for Colorado’s oil & gas industry, redefining who is a “major” and “minor” emitter, putting many small operations at risk. The bill discourages further investment in the oil and gas industry, which generates $1.9B in tax revenue for Colorado.
STATUS: Died in House Committee, not introduced in the Senate.
VOTING YES: Representative Vigil (D)
VOTING NO: Representative DeGraff (R), Bottoms (R)
HB24-1338 Cumulative Impacts & Environmental Justice
SCWCC Stance: Oppose
This bill would lead to stricter and more costly regulations for Colorado oil refineries, increasing the State’s reliance on external sources of refined petroleum. This bill will increase business energy and transportation costs.
Status: Passed the House and Senate, signed into law by Governor.
VOTING YES: Senator Exum (D), Representative Vigil (D), English (D)
VOTING NO: Senator Pelton (R), Lundeen (R), Liston (R), Gardner (R), Representatives Pugliese (R), Wilson (R), Bradfield (R), DeGraff (R), Bottoms (R)
EXCUSED: Representatives Bockenfeld (R), Snyder (D)
HB24-1175 Right of First Refusal
SCWCC Stance: Opposition
This bill mandates that local governments have the right of first refusal and the right of first offer, before the owner of certain multifamily units can sell the facilities. This bill will cause delays and increased costs to real estate transactions of certain multifamily units. These increased costs will be borne by the renters and buyers. It will also discourage investment in multi-family developments.
Status: Passed the House and Senate, pending Governor’s signature
VOTING YES: Senator Exum (D), Representative Vigil (D)
VOTING NO: Senators Gardner (R), Liston (R), Lundeen (R), R Pelton (R) Representative Bottoms (R), DeGraff (R), Bradfield (R), Snyder (D), Wilson (R)
EXCUSED: Bockenfeld (R), English (D), Pugliese (R)
SB24-020 Alcohol Beverage Delivery & Takeout
SCWCC Stance: Support
The bill makes permanent the COVID law that allowed restaurants and other food service industries to sell alcohol beverages for take-out or delivery.
Status: Passed both House and Senate, Signed by the Governor
VOTING YES: All El Paso County state legislators except those excused.
Excused: Senators Gardner (R), Liston (R); Representative Bockenfeld (R)
SB24-106 Right to Remedy Construction Defects
SCWCC Stance: Support
The bill as introduced allowed the construction company to remedy any construction defects before owners in multifamily units (condos, townhomes) can file a lawsuit. Unfortunately, the bill was amended in the Senate to remove the main provision on right to remedy before litigation.
Status: Passed the Senate, House bill sponsor withdrew the bill in the House
VOTING YES: Senators Exum (D), Lundeen (R), Gardner (R), Liston (R), Pelton (R)
HB24-1325 Tax Credits for Quantum Industry Support
SCWCC Stance: Support
This bill provides tax credits to Colorado’s quantum computing industry, one of two geographic areas recognized by the Federal government. The bill provides tax credits to industry for facility construction and other work.
Status: Passed the House and Senate, pending Governor’s signature
VOTING YES: Senators Exum (D), Gardner (R), Lundeen (R), R Pelton (R), Representatives Bradfield (R), English (D), Pugliese (R), Vigil (D), Snyder (D)
VOTING NO: Senator Liston (R), Representative Bottoms (R), Wilson (R), DeGraff (R)
EXCUSED: Bockenfeld (R)
HB24-1041 Stream lining tax filing timelines
SCWCC Stance: Support
The bill changes tax filing thresholds for sales and use taxes. Threshold changes allow businesses to file less frequently, saving them time and money.
Status: Passed the House and Senate, Signed by the Governor
VOTING YES: All El Paso County state legislators except those excused.
EXCUSED: Bockenfeld (R), English (D), DeGraff (R)
SB24-181 Alcohol Impact and Recovery Enterprise
SCWCC Stance: Oppose
While this legislation targets the increasing alcohol and substance abuse in Colorado, the new Enterprise is authorized to increase fees in the future without any cap. This will increase costs for businesses that sell liquor, as well as businesses that manufacture or do whole-sale distribution of liquor. As an enterprise, it will not be funded by the general fund and will not be subject to the same level of oversight by the State Legislature. The lack of a revenue cap and prolonged periods between audits have the potential to cultivate an unaccountable organization that will further burden Colorado businesses that manufacture, distribute, or sell liquor.
HB24-1453 Relocation of the CLIMBER Act
SCWCC Stance: Support
Funding and support are critical to small businesses in establishing a stable workforce and future planning, as well as encouraging an entrepreneurial environment in Colorado Springs. HB24-1453 supports these objectives by providing a long-term lending source for small businesses.
SB24-106 Right to Remedy Construction Defects
SCWCC Stance: Support
A conscientious contractor, through diligent rectification of issues, effectively expedites the closure of outstanding matters without the need for prolonged waiting periods. This proactive approach compels companies to isolate the risk by creating separate business entities in an effort to mitigate the cost of insurance and risk. . Additionally, significant hurdles confront large-scale multi-family developers in procuring cost-effective insurance coverage, resulting in inflated construction costs that are transferred to housing units, consequently constraining the pool of viable contractors for such endeavors.
HB24-1230 Protections for Real Property Owners
SCWCC Stance: Oppose
Ensuring Coloradans have access to high-quality, well-constructed, and affordable housing is important. However, the current housing shortage directly results from the Construction Defects laws that encourage litigation against homebuilders. This bill would further disincentivize homebuilders from doing business in the state by limiting avenues to fix construction defects and expanding the window for litigation.
HB24-1325 Tax Credits for Quantum Industry Support
SCWCC Stance: Support
Colorado is only one of 2 states recognized by the Federal government for quantum computing technology, with Elevate Quantum as the non-profit lead for the consortium. The state is estimated to invest up to $193M in quantum technology over the next 10 years. The bill provides credits for facility construction but also for technology investments.
HB24-1330 Air Quality Permitting
SCWCC Stance: Oppose
This bill will discourage Colorado’s Oil & Gas industry from continuing to invest and operate in the state. The Oil & Gas industry is the single largest source of tax revenue ($1.9 billion) and employs over 200,000 Coloradans. Despite its low contribution to emissions and ozone pollution, the bill seeks to fundamentally change the permitting process for Colorado’s oil & gas industry as it redefines what qualifies as a “major” and “minor” emitter, putting many small operations at risk of hefty fines and administrative burdens. It will dramatically slow the ability of the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE) to process permit applications by requiring aggregate Air Quality Modeling for all permits, including emissions-reducing modifications.
HB24-1338 Cumulative Impacts & Environmental Justice
SCWCC Stance: Oppose
The SCWCC is not opposed to the new Environmental Task Force Office of Environmental Justice within the Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE) but has concerns about other parts of the bill. Industry leaders fear it could drive manufacturing jobs out of state and increase emissions from importing products. Stricter regulations on Colorado’s oil refineries might increase the state’s reliance on external refined petroleum sources, which may increase prices for CO residents. Uncertainty surrounds how local emissions limits will be set and whether they’ll unfairly target compliant industries under the Clean Air Act.
SB24-159 Mod to Energy & Carbon Management Process
SCWCC Stance: Oppose
The bill seeks to end any new oil & gas permits in CO by 2030 as well as adopting rules that include reductions in the total number of oil and gas wells covered by new permits issued in 2028 and 2029. It significantly expands liability for current and former owners of oil and gas wells by imposing joint and several liability, extending liability beyond their own operations to include any mitigation of adverse environmental impacts under jurisdiction of the Commission. If it passes, this bill is expected to significantly reduce, and then over time, cease oil and gas drilling in CO, with reductions in employment and taxes paid.
SB24-020 Alcohol Beverage Delivery & Takeout
SCWCC Stance: Support
The Women’s Chamber strongly supports SB24-020 Alcohol Beverage Delivery & Takeout, as it enables small restaurants and caterers to earn extra income while streamlining the catering process and alleviating transportation challenges. This initiative, stemming from Covid-era adaptations, not only boosts revenue for businesses but also underscores the resilience and adaptability of our dining industry amidst evolving safety considerations.
HB24-1014 Deceptive Practice
SCWCC Stance: Oppose
The Women’s Chamber is taking a stance of opposition against HB24-1014 Deceptive practice because Colorado already ranks poorly nationwide in terms of private lawsuits against businesses, and this bill is predicted to exacerbate the situation further. Introducing this legislation may heighten the risk and frequency of litigation against businesses, potentially burdening them with additional legal challenges and financial strains.
HB24-1041 Stream lining tax filing timelines
SCWCC Stance: Support
The Women’s Chamber is taking a stance of support for HB24-1041 Stream lining tax filing timelines, because the bill simplifies the tax filing process for small businesses, which currently face monthly filings, even for minimal tax amounts. With only three categories to report, the streamlined system not only eases the administrative burden on businesses but also accelerates payment processing for the state, promoting efficiency and reducing bureaucratic overhead.
HB24-1005: Health Insurers Contract with Qualified Providers
SCWCC Stance: Oppose
The Women’s Chamber is taking a stance of opposition against HB24-1005: Health Insurers Contract with Qualified Providers due to concerns about its potential impact on the Colorado business climate, particularly regarding health care and health insurance decisions. The legislation must carefully balance the imperative for affordable and accessible primary care with the escalating health insurance premiums affecting individuals and employers across the state.
HB24-1008 Wage Claims Construction Industry
SCWCC Stance: Oppose
The Women’s Chamber is taking a stance of opposition against HB24-1008 Wage Claims Construction Industry because it disproportionately targets the construction industry despite representing less than 10% of initial wage complaints and witnessing a decline in wage claims over recent years. Additionally, the legislation would impose undue pressure on general contractors (GCs) to request payment bonds from small firms, potentially excluding them due to financial constraints and incentivizing GCs to internalize the work, harming small businesses. Moreover, it creates a perverse incentive for subcontractors to withhold payment from their employees, transferring financial liability to GCs and disrupting the industry’s delicate financial dynamics.
HB24-1175 Right of First Refusal
SCWCC Stance: Opposition
The SCWCC advocates for innovative, data-driven approaches to Colorado’s affordable housing challenges. However, this bill risks disrupting the real estate market by causing delays and increased costs for rental properties. It may also deter businesses from investing in multifamily rental properties due to added selling restrictions. In its current form, the SCWCC opposes the bill as it threatens the stability of the multifamily housing market.
The SCWCC Advocates for YOU
The SCWCC believes that what is good for Colorado businesses – including the growth of jobs and economic expansion within the local economy – is positive for the women leaders established and emerging within it.
Public Policy Committee activities
for the 2024 Session

Core Criteria
The SCWCC advocates for women in business and aims to maintain a strong relationship with elected officials, regardless of political affiliation.
The SCWCC considers public officials as our partners; we must be non-partisan and aim to avoid advocating for or endorsing individual candidates.
The SCWCC believes that what is good for Colorado businesses – including the growth of jobs and economic expansion within the local economy – is positive for the women leaders established and emerging within it.
The SCWCC will consider the best interests of its membership when determining public policy positions.
The SCWCC has particular interests relating to issues affecting its partners across the Front Range of Colorado. The five guiding principles/pillars when considering a Women’s Chamber position on an issue shall be its impact on:
Business (impacts to employers, regulation requirements, etc.)
Jobs (burdens vs. opportunities for employers, job growth, key industries, etc.)
Economy (broad competitive appeal of the Colorado marketplace)
Business Climate (safety, crime, cost of living, health, education, etc.)
Women (issues specific to women in business and the members of the SCWCC)
Issues that touch upon multiple core criteria shall have increased importance for our organization. The level of action recommended shall be in proportion to the number of criteria the issue touches.
For additional information and to reach the committee, email publicpolicy@scwcc.com